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tv   Fox 5 News at 5  FOX  July 23, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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transported him to suburban hospital. back out here live, we can tell you that the victim, the 42- year-old victim is expected to be okay. he was transported to med star moments ago for further evaluation. for now, reporting live, claudia coffey, back to you. newst ohe . ar thunderstorms as you heard moved through quickly. fox 5's gary mcgrady is live in the weatr center with more on the storms. gary? >> more thunderstorms are scattered about right now. we have had some severe thunderstorms. those warnings we had are set to expire at 5:00. they have dropped off. we will go to max hd . radar da show you. be ancould anticate a couple n a wag inrnfor infrederick and loudoun county. they ae ae ed icrfr frederick. tois clu to rtrtheno rnnosections of montgomery. the heaviest of this will move
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just to the south of frederick. yo will still get clipped there. between freak dried and rav n. an d r anhearott gelheavy rain. and another large cell is moving in on gaithersburg. in terms oftry heack ac the thunderstorms, they have been moving to the ast and a little up to the northeast now about 15to 20 miles per hour. dd mb as edmbdded in some of ow these thunderstorms. ang strontrd guy stwind. makes true view, the broad wicture, this activity is d. reaa in the last couple of frames, we are beginning to get more thunderstorms down to the south as well. again, most of this is moving to the east and northeast 15 to 20. temperatures are in the 80s and they will stay in the 80s for the next couple of hours. we have equal chance of showers and thunderstorms right on through about 11:00 or 12:00
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tonight. we will dry outovernight tonight. nothing severe right now but some of these storms have a history of being severe. that means we will watch them close. if it happens, we will let you know. >> see you in a bit. new revelations in metro's deadliest day ever. details are coming in in drips and drabs since that day. today they announced a section of metrrailnear the site of last month's crash may have started having problems as far back as 2007. john henrehais live with the latest on the investigation. john? >> reporter: the crash occurred just over a month ago. nine people killed, about 70 injured. the ntsb earlier record on the same section of track part of circuitry that keeps trains separated had been replaced five days before the crash. in the five-day period, computerized records showthat section of track sometimes failed to detect the presence
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of trains. today the ntsb revealed erie summonedder was replaced in the same section of track 18 months before the crash and, quote, records reveal this track's circuit had been intermittently fluctuating since the replacement was installed in december of 2007. well, late this afternoon, metro managers told reporters fluctuations does not necessarily mean failure to detect trains for 18 months. general manager john cato. >> the sampling evealed the rush hour performance of one rush hour each month during that period. based on that samples, the circuit appears to have been doing the job of detecting trains. >> reporter: john catoe believes the circuits were detecting trains but he conceives the data sample is small. metro is crunching more numbers. ntsb is asking metro for work orders for that section of
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track to see if maintenance workers called attention to the anomalies. catoe said he was unaware of problems. and the ntsb is trying to identify any probable sources of interference affecting radio train control, radio signals, cross talk communication lines, system upgrades. bottom line, all metro trains will run in manual mode while metro and ntsb try to figure out what went horribly wrong. >> you worked the transportation pete a -- beat a long time. you know his is being well received. a vote could give metro a huge boost of cash. in the next few hours they will vote on a bill for metro, improve safety and they are pledging that the funding is just the start. >> what we are doing at this very moment on the floor is
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ensuring that there will be $150 million as a down payment toward a $3 million commitment over the next 10 years. >> legislation is expected to pass the house. a big blow to president obama's health care overhaul. senate leaders abandoned a plan to vote on a reform bill before the august recess. president obama wanted to seal the deal before the break but republicans criticized the ambitious time line to revamp the plan. today at a town hall meeting in cleveland, the president said he didn't have a problem with the delay and kept pitching his plan. >> don't let folks say that somehow we will be forcing government run health care. it's not true. and it will keep the insurance companies out of your health care decisions, too. >> it's better to have a product that is one based on
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quality and thoughtfulness rather than trying to jam something through. >> as you heard there, harry reid delivered words today of the delay. coming up at 6:00, what happens next on the plan for health care reform. another one of the big stories we are following, pittsburgh steelers quarterback ben roethlisberger responding to a woman's claims that he raped her last summer. >> dave feldman joins us with the super bowl's champs response. >> that woman has filed a civil lawsuit against ben roethlisberger. today the quarterback spoke out for the first time. his first comments on the matter. he read a statement at the stealers practice complex. he did not take questions. he was accompanied by his coach, agent and attorney. big ben made the message very clear. >> i did not sexually assault mcnulty. saturday was the first that i learned of her accusations. her false and vicious allegations are an attack on my
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family and me. i would never ever force myself on a woman. >> law enforcement officials in nevada say they do not plan to open a criminal investigation into the alleged incident. another quarterback surrounded by controversy, a lawyer for michael vick denies an enter met report that his client spent the first night of freedom at a virginia beach strip club. the suspended quarterback was released from federal custody monday after a 23 month sentence for a dogfighting conspiracy. the blog, the big quoted a dj as saying vic was at the strip club with michael iverson. iverson's agent said his client hasn't seen vic since the release. guys, this is not the publicity michael vick is waiting for as he is a wait ago meeting with roger goodell. cracking down on alleged corruption in the garden state,
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federal investigators arrested more than 40 people including two mayors, lawmakers and ran biefs -- rabies -- rar byes. >> they were elected by their state. the city and state leaders were helping themselves instead. >> they put themselves up for sale. corruption was a way of life. they exited in -- existed in an ethics free zone. >> reporter: the suspected loaded on to a bus. the passengers including daniel van pelt and l. harvey smith, the mayor of hoboken and deputy mayor. also another mayor arrested and accused of being a wide scale culture of corruption. federal investigators say the politicians took thousand in bribe money from government
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witnesses. feds calling new jersey's spread of corruption a cancer that is infecting the state. >> new jersey's corruption problems is one of the worst if not the worst in the nation. >> reporter: several rabies were arrested federal agents say the religious leaders ran a mob-like operation with charges ranging from the international money laundering to trafficking human kidneys to donors in israel. >> it's about criminals who used politics and religion to cloak their crimin activities and enrich themselves while portraying those who trusted them. >> reporter: federal agents say the arrests are part of an ongoing investigation that has been active for more than 10 years. in new york, jamie colby, fox news. coming up next at 5:00 --
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>> the cambridge police acted stupidly. >> controversial comments from president obama over the arrest of a black more vard -- harvard scholar. police are firing back. 
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the cambridge police academy stupidly -- acted stupidly in arresting someone when there was proof that they were in their own home. >> president obama talking about henry louis gates junior. he says he is the victim of racial profiling. tonight we are learning that the officer who arrested him is an expert in understanding racial profiling. >> reporter: the story gets more curious by the hour. apparently that officer taught a class on racial profiling at the police acted for five years -- academy for five years and he was hand picked by the police chief who is black. henry lou wois gates junior was arrested last thursday. gates had trouble getting in the front door after a trip to china. a neighbor record two black guys were trying to break into
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the home. cambridge police responded. that's where the story differs. gates asked for an apology saying the white officer acted inappropriately saying he was a classic example of racial profiling. that officer, james crawley is refusing to apologize saying he followed the book on the arrest. the cambridge police department who dropped the charges tuesday held a news conference saying that they are standing behind sergeant crawley and all the members of that department. this controversy has ignited a controversy around the country with groups like the naacp calling for a change. they agree with gates and say this presents a teachable moment for the country. cambridge police said ey will be putting together an independent panel to review it. john? >> it sparked a lot of controversy. we will stay on top of it. roz, thank you. the lawyer for former director of virginia tech's counseling ceer said his
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client enat very tently took ch o's records when he left there. they got packed in personal documents more than a year before cho killed 32 people and himself. miller said he opened the box for the first time last week and was surprised to find the records inside. it's a case that stunned the district. these four girls foud dead. prosecutors say their mother killed them all. banita jacks trial continued today, the focus how long the girls were dead. i want to warn you the evidence is disturbing. beth parker is following the trial. >> reporter: stunning testimony today that the oldest daughter brittney jacks was dead long before her three little sisters. according to an expert, those girls lived much of the summer of 2007 in the same house with their sister's dead body. there are very few people that do what dr. madison does for a living. he is a forensic entomologist. he studies how insects feed on
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dead bodies. he came from hawaii to testify in the murder trial of banita jacks, the mother accused of killing her four daughters and living with the bodies for months. he says the types of insects found at the scene and how old they were, based upon all of that, he testified that the jacks girls died not before april 2007 but not after october 2007. the bodies were found in their southeast row house january 79, 2008. d.c. medical investigators say the bodies were so decomposed they could not determine an exact cause of death. they consulted with william rodriguez. he is the chief anthropologist. he oversaw the investigation of mass graves from war crimes in kosovo. rodriguez says there is, quote, no question in his mind that 16-
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year-old brittney jacks was stabbed. he estimates brittney was dead for six months or more when the girl's bodies were discovered. the government's case is winding down. the final witness tomorrow. we should begin to hear from the defense witnesses and get a sense of how banita jacks lawyers will try to defend her. beth parker, fox 5 news. day 7 of the jacks trial. if convicted, she will likely spend the rest of her life in prison. how about a bright spot in this down economy. good news from wall street. the dow jones topped the 9,000 mark. stocks rose above 9,000 less than an hour into trading. the last time that happened, january 6th. the dow closed at its highest l lee nsicoctober finishing at 9069. all right. ve a oolouk ea a ook outsidrtshtnow after e rstms that rolled through earlier, it looks like
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the sun is trying to peek out. gary mcgrady is in the weather center with the latest in the forecast. >> don't let the sunshine fool you. there is active of thunderstorms. nothing severe even though we have had some severe m stinortw thgsouto ax aakmy hdto max hd givyou an aidea of what is n king place now. th e i thlive radar. the strongest actitisy li right in the central front month gontrycounty on top of gaithersburg. you a getting mae small amaybe small hail. we will turn our smaen ntttioo t the nd.a and g.w. parkway, a fairly significant storm here. you can see ticaa di ng indicating a little bit o small hail potential. that iojust to the south and southwesrima vec r. pootthric is on this continues ttitrack to the east and northeast, 15 to 2es miles per hour. this one has little stronger o2f la little stronger of late, withinl the last few radar sweeps.
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this is definitely keeping an eae r keeping an esee anni csee in th there is another area that we p. watching goi ngu that has been really the trend now for the last several hours, the showers and thunderstorms d ondki kind developing. eld. oelpiping. zooming into gaithersburg, another stndngnghu terstorm which is showing a little rotation. whether he keep an eye on as hu it it cesross veor r 270, the pul purple crossing over into gaithersburg there and that iser the potential forllsm a laias we. we have been watching stronger n to the usothw uth and southeast as well. anwewillzoom in down here. again, they are just llkind of popping up and heada ahead f ten frontal sys soherutecn ns snd ofe rinc pgeorge county riot the south of annapolis and chesapeake acbeh. nothing severe n but sibpog less , enngop prss izrmibtodesspole, dropping penny size hail and wind gusts approaching 60 miles
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per hour. the forecast coming up. >> thank you, gary. developing story out of the district. police are making progress in the case of a jogger attacked in rock creek park. they have a person of interest in the case. they didn't reveal much more hass tan t. hitpened yesterday morning on beach drive north of military road. woman told police she was jogging on the bike path when a man grabbed her and assaulted her. good news for kids quarantined in china because of swine flu fears. that story is coming up next. 
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good news for d.c. area students quarantined in china hotel rooms beuse of swine
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flu fears. hundreds of students were -- eight were diagnosed with the virus. they are extending the trip to august 8th so they can do some sight seeing. h1n1 virus is spoiling summer camp for thousands of kids across the country. >> dozens of camps are reporting outbreaks. we have the latest on this still developing story. >> reporter: this summer, along with sing a longs and arts and crafts, campers are doing this in response to the swine flu now officially a global pandemic. more than 50 camps have had outbreaks. some are taking extra precautions. >> when a child comes to us and says they are not feeling well, we take their temperature. if they have a flu or fever, we
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send them home and ask them to be home 24 hours after the fever breaks. >> we know kids get sick regardless of where they are. >> reporter: the camp association is posting online videos for parents and centers for disease control are encouraging camps to have contingency plans for children showing symptoms. health officials applaud the precautions but add in general, kids are as likely to get sick at camp as at school. >> having people go to summer camp isn't necessarily going to put them at a high risk. one, because many people have already been exposed. and, two, this is, for the most part, a relatively mild illness. >> reporter: anyone of any age who gets the flu needs to be isolated until they are no longer contagious. >> for some kids, that may mean spending part of summer vacation in bed. health officials say taking precautions now could pay off
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this fall when a more severe strain could hit just as millions of youngsters head back to school. in millvalely, california, claudia cowan, fox news. we will head to new york where walter cronkite was remembered today. no secret the national mall is in disrepair. why is congress giving more cash to parks than fewer visitors. 
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a close call for a golfer at congressional country club. the 42-year-old man was on the course when a lightning bolt
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struck. it wasn't a direct hit but he was jolted. he was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. new information in the metro crash. federal investigators say problems with the circuit on a section of track near the crash site may have started 18 months earlier. the ntsb says metro records show the signal was intermittently fluctuating since december of '07. police say they have a person of interest. a man attacked a woman north of military on beach drive. police aren't saying much about the person of interest. majestic views from one end of the national mall to the other. but the mall is deteriorating and there is no money for renovations. although the national mall sits in the backyard of congress, lawmakers rejected te of millions of dollars for repairs, money going elsewhere. sherri ly has more. >> here at the u.s. pitol, the lawn is less green.
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across the street, the national mall is to neglect. the grass is ground into dirt, pools are stagnant and monuments are in danger of sinking. the national mall could use the rain. more than that, it needs money, $400 million for repairs. >> the is we are loved to death. >> reporter: at the jefferson memorial, the seawall is sinking, cracked sidewalks are patched with temporary fixes. d.c. native calls it a shame. >> this city is the face of the country and you would think that they would put the money where it will do the most good. >> reporter: last year the mall received more than $31 million in funding. yosemite got more even though the mall draws more visitors than yosemite, yellowstone and the grand canyon combined. >> one problem we have, we are in an area where there isn't
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any representation in congress. sometimes the issues aren't brought up as well as it can be in other areas. >> reporter: a $55 million infusion of stimulus money will make repairs around the lincoln and jefferson memorial but that is a down payment. >> it's a disgrace the quality of the national mall. dead fish in constitution gardens. that's not something we want to show our country. >> reporter: congress rejected the repairs from last year. for many visitors, the mall's monument is the diamond in the rough. >> it is aesthetic. there is better way the money can be spent. >> reporter: the mall is not the only national park in need of money. across the country, the national park service needs nearly $10 billion for repairs. on the mall, sherri ly, fox 5 news.
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>> each year the national mall goes without unnecessary repairs, the backlog grows longer. a final farewell to a tv news icon. walter cronkite died friday at the age of 92. today friends gathered for a private funeral service. among the mourners, politicians and media elite. rob malcolm joins us from new york city with more on the story. rob? >> good afternoon. good evening, folks. this is fantastic. that's st. bartholomew behind me. that is where the cronkite's came to worship in the 1960s. they went to sunday school here and betsy cronkite's funeral was held her in 2005. inside today there was an hour- long service, tears, laughter and wonderful stories as luminaries and colleagues share stories and talk about how one
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time he tried to add lib and entire newscast. that lasted two days before it fell apart. that garnered laughter. there were sad moments when andy rooney, he was one of the first to memorialize cronkite. he couldn't finish. he was overcome. sad afternoon but a great way to send off a news legend. >> rob malcolm reporting from new york city, thank you. the government wants to help you get out of the gas guzzler into a more fuel efficient car. how and when you can cash in on the cash for clunkers program. >> not the right right video there. >> well, we will tell you more about michael jackson. we will be live with tmz up next. 
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if we don't act, medicabills will wipe out their savings. if we don't ac she'll be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. and he won't get the chemotherapy he needs. if we don't act, health care costs will rise 70%. and he'll have to cut benefits for his ployees. but we can act. the president and congress have a plan to lower your costs anstop denials for pre-existing conditions. it's time to act.
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one of osama bin laden's son may have been killed by an american missile attack in pakistan. counter-terrorism officials believe he was hit earlier this year. the official says bin laden's son was a small player in the terrorist organization and not the target of the strike. it's believed he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. the taliban captured a u.s. soldier from a small town in idaho. this is video of the soldier in captivity. it was released over the weekend. today his community is pulling together and supporting each other. fox's david lee miller has the story. >> reporter: hundreds of people from all over the small town of hailey, idaho praying for the safe return of their hometown hero, bowe bergdahl. >> know that we love you and people around the world are praying for your safe return to
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our arms. may god bless you. >> reporte . >> reporter: bergdahl was captured june 30th, the terrorists releasing a video of the soldier. the pentagon denouncing the tape calling it propaganda. a former prisoner of war in vietnam agrees. he knows what he is going through, being forced to say things for the enemy in captivity. >> in vietnam, we were forced to do things that we did not want to do. i can sympathize with him. i ask you to just take everything that you hear with a grain of salt. >> reporter: yelow ribbons showing support blankets the town. his family kept a low profile since his capture and did not attend the event. family and friend were there. >> as our emotions settle to a slow burning desire for bowe's safe return, let us pledge to one another mutual acts of
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kindness. >> reporter: the pentagon says it is doing evening possible to rescue the first class private. in new york, david lee miller, fox news. we are staying on top of the man injured by a lightning strike at congressional country club. we will go to wisdom martin for an update. the president won't get his vote on health care when he wanted it. seems like one hand doesn't know what the other is doing on the hill. it may be a good thing. plus, a real le david and goliath story. (bell ringing)
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woo-hoo!!!! woo-ho!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!!
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kobak. mr. miller (announcer) everyone's heading to arby's for the official $5 combo of summer. aturing arby'sew bbq bacon cheddar roastburger with curly fries and a drink for only $5. big on bbq taste, it's the $5 com done better.
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the talk of the town on tmz, who will raise michael jackson's children. harvey levin joins us live from l.a. we hear you guys found out who
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will be raising jackn's three kids even if katherine doesn't get custody. >> yeah. there is a sister that you really haven't heard about, reby jackson. she is the mother of three. she has been married for more than 20 years. as the jackson's go, probably the most stable, real family woman. she has a real connection with the three kids. she has been with the kids since michael died but before that. she had a close bond with them and the kids love her. even if katherine gets custody here, the reality is that rebbie will be the one that day to day will be caring for the kids. that is what we are getting from everybody in the jackson family that we are talking to. this is one of the few areas where they are unanimous. >> we are hearing that apparently katherine jackson went back to court to ask for more money to be able to live? what is this about? >> it's interesting.
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basically she is saying that she was living off of michael jackson. and that she really doesn't have any means of income other than social security nor do the kids and that she is dependent on jackson and the estate now and is asking for an allowance basically until the money is distributed to get her by and the kids by. but she has gone to court and basically said i want a hearing on how much money i can get so i don't have to live hd to mouth. >> the question is, how much money is in the estate. we understand today thestate gave permission for a book deal. what is that about? >> well, jackson wrote a book called moon walk. they want to republish the book. they are really saying right in the legal papers that there is a heightened interest in michael jackson now given that he has died and there will be a heightened interest in the book and they want to make money off the it when they can make
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money. they got permission from the judge to go forward and republish the book, in effect worldwide. >> just seems like there is a new twist in the case every day. thanks so much for joining us. we will see him at 30. >> indeed. meantime, reality and tabloid star could be headed to montgomery county. >> u.s. magazine says kate gosselin is condo shopping in rockville. she checked out condos in the 1600 to 3200 a month range. the body guard and his wife live nearby. jon lives in manhattan. kate is at the home with the eight kids in pennsylvania. storm force is tracking rain. take a look at this downpour on the national mall. i'll tell you what, those storms came in quick. one minute there was nothing
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then all of a sudden -- >> very tropical. i'm sure you felt the humidity. >> it was horrible. >> with this tropical atmosphere, something else we get a lot of, rain and lightning. >> magnificent thunder this afternoon from some of that. heavy thundershower moving through. you can see it. that's the rain out there so you can't see very far toward downtown because of all the heavy rain. we will show you that coming through. max hd true view, give you an idea of what is taking place. showers and thunderstorms moving through. one band along the northwest here and extending back up to the north of us. there is more activity here. once this moves through, it looks like things will quiet down for a while. there is still energy. it's unstable. we could end up getting more showers and a couple more moving through this evening. we will zoom in tighter. this is montgomery county.
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heavy thunderstorms moving into germantown here . one ved through gaithersburg. this is moving into northern sections of montgomery county and eventually will come over here into howard, too. another thunderstorm is moving out of fret direct. there is frederick behind the live radar. this is along 70 into eastern sections of frederick and eventually this moves into carroll county. as it goes across, we expect heavy rain, downpours from the showers and thunderstorms and hail potential as well. of course, as i mentioned earlier, dangerous lightning out there. this is the thunderstorm on top of northwest. we showed you the tower cam view. we are in northwest. we couldn't see far to the south. downtown is dry now. as this grows and continues to move to the east, it will come across northwest into northeast and eventually out toward bowie
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and prince george county. looks like clinton, this is moving south of you, waldorf and will move to the east. heavy downpours out there this evening. max hd forecasts for this evening, still the potential for a shower or thunderstorm in here at 11:00 tonight. i think they will be spotty by 11:00 and will be drier at 11:00 tonight. the temperature in the middle 70s. tomorrow morning, early fog. temperature in the lower 70s. partly cloudy at noon. however, there will be another chance for showers and a few thunderstorms again tomorrow afternoon before we dry out around here for saturday. temperatures now in the lower 80s to mid-80s just about everywhere. a couple othings to look at here. this morning we had a lot of rain to the east of us.
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storms moving up and just east of i-95. then we were watching the thunderstorms that were dying out to the east of us along a frontal boundary. this particular coastal feature goes to the north and stays primarily east of us. with the heat and humidity and unstable atmosphere ahead of this frontal system, we are forming the showers and thunderstorms this evening moving across. again, it's unstable back to the west. so, we will develop more storms in the next couple of hours and they could potentially come across, too. this is the coats stall area of low pressure. it's moving up to the northeast of us tonight. the hurricane center has been keeping a close eye on this. they don't feel like it will become anything tropical because conditions right now are not conducive for that to be stronger. a lot of rain from jersey back up to new york and then up into the new england states. we are drier after midnight. until then, a chance for, again, spotty showers and thunderstorms with heavy rain. foggy spots formed overnight tonight. it will be muggy, mild. temperatures in the upper 60s
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to around 70 degrees. morning fog out there. clouds for the afternoon and then p.m. scattered showers and thunderstorms. temperatures tomorrow up in the middle 80s. here is max hd futurecast. at 8:00 a couple of showers and thunderstorms potential on top of us. as that moves out, we dry out overnight. partly sunny tomorrow. fog early. in the afternoon a few showers. nothing like the coverage today or nothing like the intense thunderstorms. use a few showers, maybe a thundershower. friday things dry out. it will be hot saturday as lots of sunshine, a little on the muggy side, too. here is the fox five-day forecast, 86 tomorrow. chance of showers in the afternoon. a couple of thunderstorms as well. hot and dry saturday. high temperature of 90. we will have lower 90s on saturday. another chance of rain sunday. high of 89. just so you know, next week,
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summertime comes back, we will be sitting in the upper 80s pretty much every day with a chance of summertime showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. >> i love when you say lower 90s. does it matter whether it's lower or higher. >> maybe 90 in town b lower 90s down south. >> thanks, gary. up next, cash for clurchtioners. 4 -- clurchtioners c
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how would you like to get up to $4,500 to trade in your gas guzzler for a more fuel efficient ride? next week you will be able to. the goal is to get people driving more eco-friendly cars. melanie alnwick breaks down everything you need to know before you cash in. >> reporter: car dealers are
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buzzing with curious customers asking about the cash for clunkers program. >> they are calling and ask will the car qualify. >> reporter: the program gets rolling the last week in july. congress has put forth a billion dollars in incentive cash to get americans to turn in their less fuel efficient cars for a new model. >> a ton of interest. >> the first thing to do, find out if your old car is eligible. >> reporter: it must be a 1984 model or newer, be in drivable condition and get 18 miles to the gallon or less. that is the combined fuel economy when your car was new. there are web sites including fuel and can give you that information. >> there are a number of cars that qualify. >> reporter: then look for new car options. you get $3,500 for bumping the fuel economy by 4 miles per
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hour. 4500 for 10-mile per gallon increase. >> it will stimulate sales. environmentally and safety you are improving the quality of the vehicle on the road. >> reporter: president of the alliance of automobiles manufacturers says the cash is in addition to any dealer incentives. smart buyers can put together a good deal. >> consumers will see this is a good opportunity. >> reporter: before you go to the dealership, you need a clear title plus proof of registration and insurance for one year. and, be sure to check the trade in value of your car. it might be worth more than 4500. >> if your car is worth more than that, sell it and keep the money and use that to buy the next car anyway. >> reporter: analysts say there is enough money in the program to cover about 250,000 car sales. it won't save the industry but it could be a start. melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. >> it's possible congress will
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extend the deals if the program is a big success. there are different rules for s.u.v.'s, work trucks and leased cars. go to and click on web links to find about everything. the "news edge at 6:00" starts right now. for 18 months something was wrong with the track circuit where two metro trains collided last month and metro new it accoing to the ntsb. metro has a different version of that story. we go to john henrehan down in the newsroom to sort it out. >> the ntsb says something was wrong with the track circuitry for a year and a half. metro managers maintain they had the ability to see trains for most of that period. >> reporter: the crash on june 22nd killed nine and injured scores of passengers. investigators are focusing on the automatic tn airtrcotrain c
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system which is supposed to keep trains apart. they are looking at the train n control circuit north ofthe fort totten station. safety agency reported earlier that an i am pee dense bond, part of the circuitry that keeps trains separated was replaced five days before the accident and it w reported that a look back at computer data showed track circuitry periodically lost its ability to detect trains after june 17th. now the ntsb is reporting that another i am pee dense bond was replaced in december of 2007 and a review of the records indicates this track circuit's train occuncy signal was intermittently fluctuating since the earlier repair more than 18 months ago. metro managers maintain fluctuations does not necessarily mean trains diea


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